Out of Order
I was listening to some Fiction Family the other day and I came to a realization; my life is pretty good. I don't mean that in the typical people-in-some-countries-have-it-worse-than-me-so-I-shouldn't-complain sort of way, but rather that I actually have been enjoying my life. It's a strange thing. I think the majority of my life has been rather enjoyable, but for the first time I recognize that fact. I'm getting ready to graduate college, get married, and start a completely new life, which for some is stressful, but I'm relishing the opportunity to start new. I'm loving getting ready to set out into the unknown like an ancient explorer; no map, no compass, just faith and a desire to move on.
10:37 PM | | 0 Comments
The concept of a counter-culture
I regularly read the blog of one of my favorite authors, Donald Miller. Today I found he had posted some interesting thoughts on Advertising, specifically the advertising used by Apple, and the intrinsic values which we unknowingly accept in admitting the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. You might be thinking, "I don't go around talking to my friends about advertising and I've never thought about the effectiveness of advertising, never-mind admitted it," but the truth is you have and you do every time an advertisement leads you to buy or even just find out more about a product.
12:40 PM | | 0 Comments
Two posts in one day!
I know it must seem crazy to post twice in one day but I need to put something out there to be heard. I was searching the internet for some information on Rob Bell's newest book and I cam across several forums and blogs that contained posts of people who had serious issues with Rob Bell's theology and teachings. First, if you are one of those people, don't write your issues here. I know what people have issues with. I've read about them, considered them, and I've come to this conclusion. I don't care. I don't agree with everything he has to say but I believe he is reaching a great number of people with the Gospel and he is sparking an interest in theology in young people. These are both good things. Christians are called to study for themselves when they are taught something and as long as we all continue to do so any discrepancies in his teaching (minor thought they are) will be resolved.
2:03 PM | | 0 Comments
Helping with the diary aisle...
A friend recently shared with me a story of something that happened to him at work. In his story I feel he unknowingly stumbled upon the revelation of what evangelism should actually look like. I'd like to share a summary of the story here.
12:36 PM | | 0 Comments